About Swings
Swingsは、福岡・東京を拠点とするデザイン事務所ブランコ株式会社が運営する「つくる」にフォーカスを当てたDesigner’s Online Magazineです。
About Swings
Swings is a Designer’s Online Magazine about creativity, which is run by the design office BULANCO INC., based in Fukuoka.
The world is full of design : when viewing a city, going to a book- or clothing store, when viewing advertisements, etc. Good design can enrich lives and make people happier. We want to make people enjoy life a bit more with good design, giving them a new view on the world around them. While designing we respect the identity of all people and objects, and try to stay loyal to their essence. Authenticity and creativity are at the core of how we design. Nowadays information is coming from everywhere. We hope we can provide information that can have a meaningful impact, make lives a bit more fun, and raise people’s curiosity.